
30 X 15 Fish Tank

Aquariums: Standard Sizes and Weights (U.s.a. Units)

The post-obit is a list of basic glass aquarium sizes and weights.  Custom drinking glass or acrylic aquariums can be fabricated to nearly whatsoever aquarium size specification.  Glass aquarium sizes over m gallons are rare due to the thickness of glass required which makes them very heavy in comparing to acrylic.  Acrylic aquariums are lighter and stronger, but acrylic scratches more hands than glass.  Acrylic is a much meliorate material for really tall aquariums.

*Weights are for glass aquariums; acrylic aquariums will weight less.

SMALL AQUARIUMS (non recommended for beginners)
Tank Size L ten W x H Filled Weight
2 1/2 gallon 12″ x 6″ x 8″ 27 lbs
five gallon 16″ x 8″ x 10″ 62 lbs
ten gallon "Leader" twenty″ x 10″ x 12″ 111 lbs
fifteen gallon 24″ ten 12″ x 12″ 170 lbs
15 gallon High xx″ x ten″ 10 eighteen″ 170 lbs
Tank Size L x Due west ten H Filled Weight
20 gallon High 24″ ten 12″ 10 16″ 225 lbs
20 gallon Long 30″ 10 12″ x 12″ 225 lbs
25 gallon 24″ 10 12″ 10 20″ 282 lbs
29 gallon 30″ x 12″ x 18″ 330 lbs
30 gallon Breeder 36″ ten 18″ x 12″ 348 lbs
40 gallon Breeder 36″ x eighteen″ x 16″ 458 lbs
40 gallon Long 48″ x 12″ x 16″ 455 lbs
Tank Size L x West x H Filled Weight
50 gallon 36″ x 18″ 10 xix″ 600 lbs
55 gallon 48″ x 13″ 10 21″ 625 lbs
65 gallon 36″ x 18″ x 24″ 772 lbs
75 gallon 48″ x 18″ ten 21″ 850 lbs
90 gallon 48″ ten xviii″ ten 24″ 1050 lbs
125 gallon 72″ x eighteen″ x 21″ 1400 lbs
150 gallon 72″ x 18″ 10 28″ 1800 lbs
180 Gallon 72″ x 24″ x 25″ 2100 lbs

Aquarium Shapes and Sizes

aquarium shapes Aquariums are available in a wide diverseness of shapes and sizes.

Drinking glass fish tanks are nearly oftentimes rectangular in shape, but do come in hexagons, bow-front end rectangles, and cylinders. Other shapes are manufactured, merely are much less readily available.

Acrylic is much more than hands formed into different shapes, and then acrylic aquariums come in a much wider variety of shapes. While rectangular tanks (normally with rounded corners) are the nearly common shape for acrylic fish tanks, the diversity of product shapes of acrylic aquariums is astounding, and the variety of custom shapes in acrylic fish tanks boggles the mind.

Rectangle Aquariums
Size (inches) Volume (Gallons) Thickness (inches)
Body Top
20 x 10 x 12 10
24 x12 ten xvi 20
30 x 12×18 29 ane/4″ 3/8
36 x xiii x 16 35 i/4 3/8
36 ten 18 x 20 56 1/4 3/8
36 x 18 ten 24 65 3/8 3/8
48 ten 13 10 xx 55 ane/4 3/8
48 x eighteen 10 twenty 70 1/4 3/8
48 ten eighteen x 24 xc 3/8 3/8
48 x 18 ten 30 110 3/8 3/8
48 Ten 24 Ten 24 120 three/eight 3/8
60 x eighteen 10 xx 100 3/viii 3/8
lx ten 18 ten 24 125H 3/8 3/viii
60 x 18 10 30 135 i/2 3/8
Rectangle Aquariums [Foursquare Corners]
Size Gallons Material
Trunk Height
threescore 10 24 x 24 150 3/8 iii/8
sixty 10 24 x 30 180 ane/two 1/ii
72 10 eighteen 10 20 125 3/8 3/8
72 10 18 10 24 135 iii/eight iii/8
72 x18 x 30 165 i/two iii/eight
72 ten 24 x 24 180 3/eight one/2
72 ten 24 x 30 215 ane/ii 1/2
72 10 24 x 36 260 3/4 one/2
96 x 24 ten 24 240 1/ii 3/viii
96 x 24 x thirty 300 1/2 1/two
96 x 24 10 thirty ** 300 **iii/4 iii/4 3/4
96 x 24 x 36 350 three/4 3/iv
96 10 36 x 36 525 iii/4 3/4
96 ten 48 x 48 950 1 3/4
120 x 24 x 24 290 3/iv one/2
120 ten 24 x 30 360 three/4 1/2
120 10 24 x 36 435 3/iv 1/2
120 x 24 x 48 580 one 3/4
120 x 36 10 36 650 i 3/4
120 x 36 x 48 870 1 3/4
Hexagon Aquariums
Size Gallons Material
Body Peak
17 x 15 ten 24 xx
21 x 18 x xx 28 1/4 3/8
28 x 24 x 24 55 ane/four iii/8
28 x 24 x 30 75 iii/viii iii/8
36 X 31 X30 105 one/2 1/2
Flat Dorsum Hexagon Aquariums
Size Gallons Material
Body Top
36 x 13 x 16 30 1/four three/8
48 x sixteen x 20 60 1/iv 3/8
60 10 18 ten 24 100 3/8 3/viii
72 x xviii ten 24 125 iii/8 iii/8
72 ten 18 ten 30 150 1/2 3/8
Pentagon Aquariums
Size Gallons Material
Body Top
24 x 24 x 24 l three/8 iii/8
24 ten 24 ten thirty threescore 3/8 iii/8
30 ten 30 ten 24 75 3/8 3/viii
36 x 36 10 24 95 iii/viii 3/viii
36 ten 36 ten thirty 120 i/2 three/8
48 X 48 X 24 150 3/8 3/8
48 x 48 ten 30 180 1/2 1/2
i/two Cylinder Aquariums
Size Gallons Textile
Body Top
36 x 18 x 30 60 3/8 3/8
48 x 24 ten 30 120 1/2 1/2
lx x 30 10 30 180 one/2 ane/2
one/4 Cylinder Aquariums
Size Gallons
24 X 24 X 24 50
27 X 27 X30 70
27 10 27 X 36 90
36 X 36 X 30 130
36 Ten 36 10 36 150
Bow Vu Aquarium
Size Gallons Fabric
Body Top
48 x 17 x twenty 65 1/iv 3/8
sixty 10 18 10 24 120 three/8 three/eight
60 10 24 x 24 140 iii/viii 3/viii
72 x 24 x 24 160 3/viii 3/8
72 x 24 x thirty 190 1/2 one/2
IFS Aquarium complete with congenital-in wet/dry out filter, protein skimmer, and pumps
Size Gallons Material
Body Top
14 X 14 X 14 12
24 ten sixteen x xvi 25 1/4 3/eight
24 ten 16 x 16 Treasure Breast 1/iv three/8
36 x 20 x 20 45 ane/four 3/8
48 x 20 ten 20 65 1/4 3/8
36 x 20 10 20 forty F/B Hex ane/4 3/8
48 x 20 ten 20 60 F/B Hex ane/4 3/viii
48 x 17 x xx 65 Bow Vu 1/4 3/8
30 X xix X 20 30 1/2 Cyl. i/4 3/8

Nano cube aquarium There are other standardaquarium sizes non listed and they vary based on the manufacturer.  One such example is the Nano Cube and Red Sea Max Aquariums. The Red Sea Max aquarium sizes are currently 34 gallon and 65 gallons and the aquarium shapes are rectangular with curved drinking glass corners.  The JBJ Nano cube aquarium sizes are typically 12 gallons and 28 gallons with a fairly square aquarium shape, rounded drinking glass corners, and curved front drinking glass.  These aquariums are plug-n-play units that contain built in filtration etc. Learn more almost Nano Reef Aquariums.

30 X 15 Fish Tank,


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